Bouquet of Roses Car Diffuser


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Bouquet of Roses Car Diffuser  is a sweet fragrance that captures the rich essence of roses, complemented by subtle notes of carnation and a gentle, lingering musk.

Scent Strength: Medium to Strong


Car Diffuser Maintenance

  1. Remove the wooden lid and plastic stopper, then reattach the wooden lid.
  2. Gently tip the bottle upside down for 1–2 seconds to allow the fragrance to absorb into the wooden lid.
  3. Replace the plastic stopper (optional, but recommended).
  4. Hang the diffuser in your car or around your home.
  5. Ensure it is kept out of reach of children and pets.
  6. Avoid contact with eyes, face, and textiles for safety.

Each Diffuser Bottle contains:
> 8-10ml fragrance oil.
> 1 wooden cap, 1 inner stopper, and 1 Lanyard or Christmas/Holiday Themed beads string.
> Paraben and phthalate-free fragrance Oil.

Additional information

Weight .20 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in
Car Diffuser Lanyard

Christmas Theme Beads, Regular

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